1. “…flawless melding of four sounds…immaculate tailoring of phrases and cadential seams…vigorous and tightly controlled performance…” Philip Norman, The Christchurch Press, (NZ) 7/8/81
2. “…This ensemble…exudes the confidence and understanding of years of music-making … a finely-tuned tonal balance and blend…” Otago Daily Times (Dunedin, NZ), 7/6/82
3. “The Alard Quartet…a superbly vital account” – review of Bartok Piano Quintet recording. Leonarda LPI 108, Peter G. Davis- New York Times, 8/2/81
4. “…dazzling ensemble playing of the highest order … an evening of splendid playing. The audience rewarded the Quartet with a deservedly warm ovation.” Auckland Star (NZ), 1964
5. “…among the Nation’s top string foursome…supreme artistry combining rich tone, a wide range of expression and mature temperament…an altogether satisfying performance…” Samuel Gorder, Columbia News (MD), 2/9/76
6. “…Bergsma… played with immense conviction by the Alard group.” Richard F. Smith, The Honolulu Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii), 03 June 1963, Page 9.
7. “The Alard String Quartet…are surely one of the finest quartets in the business these days. They manage to make every phrase interesting and hold a listener’s absorbed attention.” Albert Hofmann, The Morning Call (Allentown, Pennsylvania). 25 April 1980. Main Edition. Page 57. ccent 6;\lsdp